Friday, September 20, 2013

Around the World

This week, we had a guided discovery on globes.  The globes fit in your hand.  Using a mini magnifying glass we had to look for countries, cities, oceans, and states.  We learned how to think ROUND instead of flat. We also (with little attitude) learned about latitude and longitude.  We also were introduced to atlases.  Did you know, for every car in Peru, there are 56 people?
In math we TOOK A TEST on place value!!!!  We did pretty well.
We've completed NWEA testing for the fall.  Our jaws hurt because we chewed so much gum!  One of our students is even complaining about her jaw clicking.  Be sure to check your child's chops!
Next week we have our FIRST Four Winds lesson!  We are also trying to head to the Kilton Library.
Have a GREAT weekend.

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