Monday, December 18, 2017

What inspires us to write poetry?

    Lately we've been writing poems in literacy as part of an exploration into a new literacy program.  Here are some of our inspirations:

  • Our pets
  • Our teachers
  • Our hobbies
  • Holidays
  • Sports
  • Vacations/places
  • Our wishes
  • Poems
  • Art
Sometime in the very near future, we'll be presenting our poems using a ipad to video our work.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

89 Pounds of Wool

Today, in class, we read an article about a sheep named Chris who grew 89 pounds of wool!  Here's the link to the Bedtime Math site: Woolly Sheep

We also read the book Pete the Sheep Sheep.  Here's a link to the story: Pete the Sheep Read Aloud

Thursday, August 31, 2017

We're off to a Great Start!

WOW!  We've had a very strong beginning to our school year.  Only two days in and we're demonstrating good listening skills, following directions, and best of all being kind!  Over the last two days we have:

  • Read: The Dot, Math Curse, Interrupting Chicken, Miss Rumphius and we've started reading Spud Murphy
  • Made rainbows and set our goals for the year
  • Learned how to play on the playground
  • Gotten to know each other
  • Practiced mindfulness
Tonight, you might see a newspaper in your child's backpack.  We're taking part in a newspapers in the classroom project this year.  Sometimes we'll read an article from the paper in class and sometimes, we'll send the paper home.  Enjoy!

Thank you so much for preparing your children for fourth grade!  We're off to a great start!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Concert on Thursday

May 10, 2017
Dear 3rd and 4th Grade Parents and Guardians,

The Third and Fourth Grade Choruses will be performing at the Lebanon Opera House on Thursday, June 1st at 6:30 p.m.  Please arrive at 6:15 (no earlier).  They will be performing with the 3rd and 4th grade chorus members from the Hanover Street School.  The concert will last about thirty minutes. We will be rehearsing at the Lebanon Opera House from 10:00-1:15 on June 1st with a break for lunch/recess.  We will return to school by 1:30.

Concert Dress is black pants and white collared shirts for boys (polo or button down), white top and black skirt or pants for girls (a black and white dress is also fine).  

Every voice counts! Every child is expected to attend. If you have any transportation needs, please let me know so that rides can be arranged.

There will be a reception in the lobby following the performance.  If you wish to contribute juice or cookies, please return the form at the bottom.  Also, we are looking for a few parents to serve the refreshments.    

Musically yours,
Christine Greenough
Mount Lebanon Elementary School             
 (Return this portion to school ONLY if you wish to contribute food/drinks)

___________________can provide   __1-2 dozen cookies
(Name)                               __ one half-gallon  juice or punch

__I can help serve refreshments

Friday, May 26, 2017

Watershed Congress

Yesterday, May 25, 2017, students traveled by bus to Goodwin Park in Lebanon to celebrate 4th grade's annual student watershed congress.  Students rotated through eight watershed related activities throughout the day   Here's one of our very own as happy as a freshwater clam:

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rising Fifth Graders

Image result for moving on up

From Dr. D'Entremont:

Some parents of 4th grade students may not have been able to attend the meeting on April 25 regarding the transition to Lebanon Middle School for the 17-18 school year.
We've added a section to our LMS school web page "17-18 transition."  All of the information that was discussed at the meeting is there for parents to access.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Eastern Brook Trout

Peek a boo!  Here's one of our trout we've been raising since January.  This fish is 95 % developed.  We'll release it at the end of April.  
Did you know the eastern brook trout is New Hampshire's state fish?

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trout Books

Here's one of our very own students working on her picturing writing story:

Hello Everyone!
We've been very busy here at Mount Leb!  A couple of things to bring to your attention:

  • Report cards were sent home today!
We're working on geometry in math.  We kicked off the unit with tessellations (see one of our pics below).  Have you seen this video on MC Escher?  His work is fascinating!  I think I smell an art project....

In writing, many of the students are working on putting dialogue into their written pieces.  Here's a helpful tool when helping your child properly punctuate dialogue.  Students can access much of their writing at home through Google Drive.  

Daily 5 is moving along at a good clip.  Many of our students are reading books about dogs.  Because of Winn Dixie, How to Steal a Dog, and  A Dog Called Homeless are some of the titles we're working with.  Additionally, we're working on comprehension and being thorough in our work by putting the questions in the answers. 

Our trout have arrived and are being housed in Mr. Wetmore's room.  In class, we are making books using the Picturing Writing method.  Students are currently brainstorming silver dollar words such as crimson (for red), ebony (for black), and skittering.

As always, please feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions or comments.  Thank you for allowing me to teach your children every day.  It is an honor.