Here are some highlights:
- I'd have to have a larger stomach as well as a bigger digestive system and bigger bladder (I'd be eating too much and would have to wait 24 hours to go to the bathroom)
- A SUGGESTION FROM ANOTHER CHILD - make a pit stop at a house! Or, wear a diaper!
- I would help the elves make the toys because I am good at making toys, especially a pin ball machine out of Legos
- If I were Santa I'd make it rain chocolate
- I'd go caroling with children and make new words for the Christmas songs
- I'd wrap all the gifts - I also look good in red
- I would drink all the eggnog and hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies
- I'd ride around on my sleigh when I'm not reading mail, sleeping, or helping the elves
- I would have special presents that you'd throw down the chimney that would change into what the kids would want
- I'd help feed the reindeer and wrap the toys
- I'd pay the elves $1,000.00 per minute
- The elves and I would fight the Grinch from stealing Christmas
- It does not matter about the cookies or the getting, it's about making people feel good and being happy!
- I'd sprinkle world peace like fairy dust all over the world.
- There'd be Christmas magic at each house! All bad things would be forgotten for a day.