Monday, February 25, 2013
We're Getting Wild!
Next week is Wild About Reading Week. We'll be decked out in wacky clothes and hairstyles as we celebrate reading. We'll kickoff the event THIS Friday, March 1st during morning sing. In addition to wacky clothes, we'll be collecting pennies for a penny drive to support the rearing of a black bear cub. Ben Kilham of Lyme has been rescuing and rehabilitating black bears for over twenty years. This year, Ben has had trouble putting his bear cubs to bed. Twenty bears have decided to stay awake for the winter. This means Ben has to feed them. It costs about $1,000.00 to feed one bear for the winter. We've decided to help him by holding a penny drive. Every little bit helps! So, send in those coins! Here's a link to Ben's site: Black Bears

A Fish Out of Water...
Two weeks ago we received out brook trout eggs. They made the trek from the hatchery with Mr. Spinella (4th grade teacher at HSS). Today we had the opportunity to view the eggs under a digital video microscope. Under the scope you can see the eyes, backbone, and tail. Students drew scientific drawings and wrote their observations in their trout journals. Ask your fourth grader about the project today!

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